Summer Update

Hey Khaos Junkie fans, What a year it's been so far!! Lots of rock, lots of gigs, lots of work and lots of changes!! We are taking the summer off to re-group (literally!!!), re-organize and re-energize. I can't tell you exactly what's happening with the band, but can assure you it is all good! Very much looking forward to working with some musicians that are as enthusiastic as me when it comes to working in a band and rockin' out! Surprises down the road?? Oh yeah! We'll have a few and believe me you won't be disappointed! Especially when it comes to the live gigs!! Everyone involved is also very much excited about getting into the studio later this year hopefully to begin, finish and release our second CD, which now unfortunately won't be ready till sometime next year. They say patience is a virtue, they say things happen for a reason, they say nothing changes if nothing changes..........who are "they" anyways!! LOL!! All I can tell you is that the Khaos Junkies will continue to rock on! Enjoy your summer, be safe, & cya soon! peace, David.......a.k.a........Dubble D

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